
Who: Karl Swedberg, Fusionary Media

When: May 26, 2009

jQuery is a powerful JavaScript library that can enhance your websites regardless of your background.

For designers, jQuery leverages existing CSS and HTML skills, allowing you to dynamically find and change any aspect of a page. This talk provides a gentle introduction to jQuery concepts, allowing you to add interactions and animations to your pages – even if previous attempts at writing JavaScript have left you baffled.

For programmers, jQuery offers an open-source, standards-compliant, unobtrusive approach to writing complex JavaScript applications.

Speaker Bio

After having taught high school English, edited copy for an advertising agency, and owned a coffee house, Karl Swedberg began his career as a web developer four years ago. He now works for Fusionary Media in Grand Rapids, Michigan, where he specializes in client-side scripting and interaction design. Karl is an “Evangelist” for the jQuery JavaScript Library and the co-author of two books, Learning jQuery and jQuery Reference Guide.


Summer Networking Session No. 1


"Software Disasters and Lessons Learned"