Reprise of Agile 2006 International Conference
When: September 25th, 2006, 6:00 pm – 8:00 pmWhere: Atomic Object, 941 Wealthy Street SE, Grand Rapids, MI 49506
Six members of XPwm attended the Agile International Conference in Minneapolis this summer. This meeting will be organized like last year’s successful reprise of the Agile conference. A panel of conference attendees will talk about what they found most valuable in the tutorials, workshops, talks, and open space of the conference. Questions are welcome and the discussion is always interesting.
Come to hear:
Carl Erickson – On Ken Schwaber’s observations about the dynamics of quality, economics, legacy code, and company survival
Dave Limbaugh – on “Problem Frames” as introduced in the “Skills for the Agile Designer” tutorial
Patrick Bacon – on Bob Martin’s “Clean Code” presentation
Matt Fletcher – on Bob Martin’s observations on the relationship between unit testing and dynamically typed languages
Justin Dewind – ‘value based xp’, rapid testing approaches of Michael Bolton
David Crosby – adoption of agile by huge companies (British Telecom, Google and Microsoft) and the promiscuous pairing and rapid agile adoption by the Microsoft MSD dialup team
In addition to general observations on the conference, what people are talking about, and where agile is headed.