Chris Marinos: The State of F#- Why You Should (or Shouldn’t) Care
When: February 26, 2013
In this talk, we’ll discuss the past, present, and future of F# programming. You’ll learn about the latest F# innovations like Type Providers, but more importantly, you’ll gain an understanding of how F#’s unique features can help you solve problems for your clients. You’ll also learn about some situations that are not a great fit for F#, and how to avoid them. We’ll wrap up with a discussion about the future of F#. By the end of this talk, you should have a good idea of what F# brings to the table, and how you do (or don’t) want to use it in your organization.
Bio Chris is a F# MVP and software consultant in Ann Arbor, MI. A proponent of F# since its pre-release days, he has given numerous F# talks and trainings throughout the US and Europe. He has also written articles on F# for MSDN Magazine and his F#-centric blog. His other technical interests and experiences include coffeescript, backbone.js, Rails, Django, C#, Android, and of course, functional programming. When not coding, he enjoys video games, BBQ food, and obnoxiously large TVs.