Software GR Presents Mark Vander Voord: Testing like a Mad Scientist

Tuesday, September 27

6:00 pm - 8:00 pm

Atomic Object,  1034 Wealthy St. SE, Grand Rapids, MI

Abstract: Testing like a Mad Scientist
Mad Scientists aren't known for having infinite resources nor time. They're not afraid to glue together mismatched parts; They know when they can use a bottle of hairspray and a lighter in place of a butane torch. We're going to talk about applying Mad Science ideals to embedded software testing. Mark is going to share what he's learned from other mad scientists, and he'd love to hear your tips and tricks!

Mark is a maker of things in ones and zeros. He spends his time helping others build embedded software. He’s written a self-published book on unit testing embedded C code, co-developed a series of online classes on the same topic, and is one of the primary maintainers of He’s one of the authors of the embedded software tools Unity, CMock, and Ceedling and possibly spends too much of his free time maintaining those tools. He’s friends with a variety of mad scientists, but sadly hasn’t had a secret lab since he was a kid.


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