SoftwareGR Presents Reid Draper: The Simple Side of Haskell

Tuesday, June 27


Atomic Object, 1034 Wealthy St. SE, Grand Rapids

Abstract: The Simple Side of Haskell

Haskell has a (well-deserved) reputation for having a large, complex type system. However, there is tremendous power in using only Haskell's most basic features. In this talk we'll see how you can use simple types to ensure a password is cryptographically hashed, that an email is valid, or that a refactor is complete. No prior knowledge of Haskell is assumed!

About Reid Draper

Reid Draper is a software leader with expertise in functional programming, distributed systems, and databases. Most recently, he was VP of Engineering at Helium, where he led a team of Haskell developers. Reid also worked on distributed databases at Basho, and music recommendations at The Echo Nest.


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