Software GR Presents: Realigning a SaaS: How to Do It AND What to Watch Out For

Nick Disabato is a designer and writer from Chicago. He’s probably most-known for writing Cadence & Slang, widely considered one of the better texts about his field. He also runs a solo interaction design consultancy, Draft, and loves thinking about the business of independent work. 


Your web app is showing its age. You want to improve it, but a wholesale redesign isn’t in the cards right now. Fortunately, there are a lot of things you can do to your existing design to improve it. This talk will cover the best design changes you can make on an existing web app – and I’ll put them into practice on an existing SaaS product.


SoftwareGR Presents Brent Swisher: The grunt.js automation framework


Software GR Presents: David Nolen: Hello, Om Next!