SoftwareGR Presents Brent Swisher: The grunt.js automation framework

Tuesday, December 8

6:00 pm-8:00 pm

Atomic Object


Everybody secretly wants to be an evil genius, right? What do they all have in common? Minions. In this session, you will learn to build your own little development minion with the grunt.js automation framework. Learn the basics of what grunt is, how it works, and how to make it automate the boring programming tasks that waste your time. Be warned, there will be code involved, and perhaps a little world domination.


Brent Swisher is a Web Developer for Institutional Marketing at Grand Valley State University. Most of his time is spent developing web applications for the university, including a custom mobile-first cms, and the new quickfacts page. He enjoys living and working in West Michigan and can often be found in one of Grand Rapid’s amazing breweries, playing with his dog, or enjoying a good cup of tea. You can follow what he is up to lately at 


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