SoftwareGR Presents Brian Genisio: JavaScript Robotics? Not a bad idea. (VIDEO)

When: April 28, 2015

JavaScript is seeing its renaissance right now. All the cool kids are coding JavaScript everywhere they can. But robotics? Really? Doesn’t that sound like a bad idea? I’d like to show you the opposite: why JavaScript robotics is NOT a bad idea! It turns out that the same things that make JavaScript great for the web also make JavaScript great for robotics. Enter Johnny-Five: a JavaScript robotics platform with beautiful abstractions. We’ll discover the power of Johnny-Five and explore the possibilities of controlling low-cost electronics to manipulate the real world with a much more accessible language than C/C++.

Bio for Brian Genisio

Brian Genisio is a passionate software developer in Ann Arbor, MI and an active member of the Michigan software community including co-organizing the SouthEast Michigan JavaScript Users’ Group. For over 15 years, Brian has worked with countless languages and technologies. Currently, he is focusing on front-end development stacks, mostly JavaScript-based. He also loves to talk about software. He can talk your ear off. Just humor him. In his spare time, he enjoys cooking, cycling, building JavaScript-powered robots, and playing with his kids.


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