SoftwareGR Presents Joe Johnston: Design for Sensors, not Screens (VIDEO)
When: May 26, 2015
We've all heard the statement, design mobile first.. maybe it's time to say, design for sensors first. Sensors are going to become more and more incorporated into what we design & develop. From wearable devices to button-sized low powered beacons that transmit signals, we need to think about how we can start capturing these signals to help create that perfect contextual experience for users.
Key Takeaways: - Devices and technologies available. - Pros and cons of designing for wearable and sensor - devices. - Review of sensory design done well and what not to do. - How to strategize for designing your wearables. - Designing for privacy
About Joe: Joe Johnston VP, Experience Innovation, Universal Mind
Over 14 years of digital experience with extensive knowledge of mobile and cross-platform technologies. My skill set focuses on user experience and the creation of experience prototypes to help clients quickly test concepts and ideate new ideas. I’m adept at navigating the rapidly evolving and shifting technological landscape, making intuitive decisions amidst information-abundance, where sparse facts mingle loosely with data-drenched opinions. I’ve completed a wide variety of projects, performing duties that include Experience Advisor/Consultant, Digital Strategy, Experience Design, and senior level development.
As an accomplished author and speaker, I look at myself as a subject matter expert on Experience Design & Innovation.
Experience design is driven by moments of engagement, or touch points, between people and brands, and the ideas, emotions and memories that these moments create. My experience design philosophy is holistic in nature and takes into account all components required to create engaging and emotive experiences.