SoftwareGR Presents Jake Bartlett: Software Breaks: Incident Communication 101

Tuesday January 28th, 2020

6:00 - 8:00 PM

Atomic Object, 1034 Wealthy St. SE, Grand Rapids

SoftwareGR Presents Jake Bartlett: Software Breaks: Incident Communication 101

Incident communication can make or break a company's reputation. When your software breaks, you need the right people and processes in place to help you respond. Communicating quickly, clearly, and often helps build trust and reduce incoming support requests. In this talk, we'll cover 1) defining an incident, 2) incident roles & responsibilities, 3) incident communication channels, and 4) communicating during an incident.


About Jake

Jake Bartlett is a Customer Success Manager at Atlassian, a software company that builds products for software developers, project managers, content management, and incident management. It is best known for its issue tracking tool, Jira, and team collaboration tool, Confluence. Jake works on the Statuspage product, where he helps companies build trust with their customers through better incident communication. His passion for delivering exceptional customer experiences grew from 10+ years working with technology teams and customers. Jake is a drummer, an avid hiker and camper, and a new Grand Rapidian. For more information and to connect with Jake, visit



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